A downloadable guide for Windows

Note: This guide is outdated and is only being kept up as an archive; DON'T use it! (unless I specifically told you to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)  Click the following link to be taken to the correct guide! Link here

FAQ (or, things that aren't explained within the guide)

What the heck is this?
This is a guide for installing the kid's computer game U.B. Funkeys. It's quite a confusing task on how exactly to install the game nowadays, hence why this guide was made. 

I found a problem with your guide/have a suggestion for your guide, how can I reach you?
-Either through Discord, or commenting on the guide's Reddit thread. Alternatively, you can leave a comment, but I rarely check this itch account. I suggest the first two methods if it's an urgent matter.

Any plans regarding the guide's future?
-I have a few things in mind. I'll list some here and we'll see whether or not I actually get around to adding them.

-Music player and SFX to make the guide less silent
-Mac/Linux desktop builds (just for the sake of being thorough)
-A guide part for Lako's planned installer Done!
-Fixing HTML5 oddities on mobile devices (it works, but scaling of the UI is all messed up)
-Hosting the guide on the community wiki

I ran into a problem that the guide doesn't explain, what do I do?
-Consider posting in the #tech-support channel in the community discord. You can also make a post on r/ubfunkeys, but the discord is more active and cooler ;)

I can't run the guide in my browser, what do I do?
-I have included a desktop version of the guide at the bottom of the page. (Windows executable only)

Wasn't this originally called Interactive Funkeys Guide?
-Indeed it was. I changed the name because I felt as if the original name didn't get the point across.

Where's the changelog?
-I'll have the changelog as it's own devlog from now on.  You can find it here. (Link soon)

The guide mentioned something along the lines of recommended mods in the description?
Here's my personal recommendations of mods not covered in the guide:

-Widescreen Mod 2.0 by Lako: Place in Mods folder (or replace Main.swf if not using the mod manager). Self explanatory, this puts the game in a widescreen format. It's an experimental mod, as some games are broken,  so I wouldn't use in a serious playthrough. It's still neat, thus getting my recommendation.

-Rare Mulch by popdoo323: This mod comes with it's own instructions regarding installation. Adds an unused rarity for the funkey Mulch.

A complete list of mods can be found in the #mod-releases channel in the community discord.

Legal/Open Source License info?

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGodot
Average sessionA few minutes


FunkeysInstallerGuide_1.2_Win.zip 28 MB
InteractiveFunkeysGuide_1.1_Win.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Download and unzip the folder. Run InteractiveFunkeysGuide.exe

Development log

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