1.2 has been released!

hey ho, finally got around to updating this, huh? this has been long overdue, and the delay was mainly due to me finishing up my schoolwork for the year, as well as some other things that i'd rather not go into detail about. with that outta the way, let's go over what's new, shall we?

the guide has changed it's name! as mentioned in the other devlog, i thought that the original name didn't get the point across as well as it did. so yeah, funkeys installer guide. ain't that 100% cooler?

the entire guide has been completely overhauled! thanks to lako's godlike utilities, we've gotten the installer to pretty much work everywhere! gone are the os specifications, 32 and 64 bits, and manual driver installations; now, the whole guide is much more clean and compact.

a full blown mods guide! i touched on the concept of mods in the previous version of the guide, but it wasn't as in depth as it should've been. this has changed, with it going from start to finish on how to install Main.swf mods.

various other minor changes that i probably can't remember rn and will detail in the changelog later

so, what's next? well, i'm thinking that this will be the last major content update for a good bit. that's not to say that community developments have stagnated; far from it. Lako and Lauthai in the funkeys discord have been investigating the games servers and whatnot, and have managed to get the "send postcard" function working! if the research into servers ever blossoms into getting the game back online, i'll be sure to create a guide for it. in addition, if anyone can dm me on how to get funkeys working on mac/linux , i'll update the guide accordingly. aside from that, i'm gonna be workin on a minor update to the guide that'll reduce some of the nonexistant bloat, as well as releasing mac/linux builds of the guide.

as always, thanks for readin


Get Funkeys Installer Guide (Old)

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